Innovative solutions for electrochemical research


Second working electrode that can be used with respect to the RE or WE1

Available on IviumStat instruments, and selected CompactStat, Vertex and sModules

Code upgrade capability for IviumStat and CompactStat instruments

Ex-factory option for selected Vertex and sModules instruments

Applied offset potential range ±2.0 V

Maximum current ±30 mA

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Product description

What is a bipotentiostat?

A bipotentiostat (BiStat) is an option that enables a second working electrode (WE2) with a programmable potential offset with respect to the reference electrode (RE) or the first working electrode (WE1). This option can be integrated as internal hardware at the time of purchase, but for instruments that did not have this option installed initially, an external bipotentiostat module is available. The BiStat is used for various applications, including rotating ring disc electrode (RRDE) measurements. It is fully integrated into the potentiostatic Sweep and Transient methods of IviumSoft. Data from the bipotentiostat is recorded simultaneously with the primary channel and can be represented in the same plot using a secondary axis or in a separate plot. The maximum scan rate or minimum interval times are the same as for the primary channel.

What do the working electrodes do in a Bipotentiostat?

In a bipotentiostat, Working Electrode 1 (WE1) carries out one of the specified electrochemical techniques, while Working Electrode 2 (WE2) can operate at a fixed potential or mirror the potential of WE1. When WE2 follows WE1’s potential, a potential offset can be applied between the two electrodes, maintaining a constant potential difference between them. This setup allows for precise control and measurement of electrochemical processes involving two working electrodes simultaneously.

Why use a Bipotentiostat?

A bipotentiostat provides enhanced versatility and precision for electrochemical measurements. Here are a few examples of its applications:

  • Utilizing a second electrode as a blank or reference within the same cell for comparative studies.
  • Identifying the reaction product from the disc electrode at the ring of a Rotating Ring Disc Electrode (RRDE).
  • Surface polarization during scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM).
  • Managing the gate voltage of a transistor (ISFET).

Specific parameters bipotentiostat:

  • Configurations:
    • “Standard”: WE2 at a fixed potential with respect to RE
    • “Scanning”: WE2 at a fixed offset potential with respect to the primary WE
  • Applied offset potential range: ±2.0 V
  • Applied potential resolution: 0.0625 mV
  • Compliance voltage: ±2.0 V with respect to the primary WE
  • Maximum current: ±30 mA
  • Current ranges: 1 pA to 10 mA in 11 ranges (the lower 4 ranges use a gain amplifier)
  • Measured current resolution: 0.076% of the current range, and 0.0000023% using the gain amplifier
  • Minimum current resolution: 0.15 fA
  • Data acquisition: Up to 300 kHz max

Programmable response filter: 1 MHz, 100 kHz, 10 kHz, 1 kHz, 10 Hz

Questions about the bipotentiostat?

For any questions or additional information about the bipotentiostat, feel free to reach out. Our experts are here to help you achieve your research goals. When you fill out our information request form, we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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