Innovative solutions for electrochemical research

Multichannel Potentiostat

Looking to carry out multiple electrochemical measurements at the same time? A multichannel potentiostat is what you need. This device enables you to run many experiments simultaneously, enhancing efficiency and ensuring reliable results.

Single channel vs. Multichannel potentiostat

The primary difference between single channel and multichannel potentiostats lies in the possibility of parallel measurements. While single channel potentiostats are limited to conducting one experiment at a time, multichannel potentiostats can perform multiple experiments concurrently. This not only accelerates the research process but also ensures uniform experimental conditions across different tests, leading to more reliable data. Multichannel potentiostats are particularly beneficial for applications requiring high throughput or the simultaneous study of multiple variables.

Applications of multichannel potentiostats

Exploring the diverse applications of multichannel potentiostats reveals their critical role in advancing research across various sectors. By facilitating simultaneous experiments, these devices enable comprehensive and efficient analyses that are vital for progress in numerous fields. Here’s a closer look at some key applications:

Long-duration measurements: Essential for tasks like tracking charge-discharge curves in battery research, enabling detailed analysis over extended periods.

Quantifying multiple analytes: Ideal for environmental monitoring, such as water quality assessments, by using different sensors to analyze various substances within a single sample.

Simultaneous sample examination: Facilitates the rapid progress in studies like the evaluation of organic coatings on metal alloys for enhanced corrosion protection, by allowing for concurrent testing of numerous samples.

Ivium’s multichannel potentiostats

Ivium Technologies offers three exceptional multichannel potentiostats designed to meet the diverse needs of the electrochemical research community:

Ivium-n-Stat: Ideal for high-throughput experiments, the Ivium-n-Stat provides flexibility with expandable channels, accommodating up to 16 independent channels. Its modular design allows for customized configurations to suit specific research needs.

More about Ivium-n-Stat

OctoStat: While compact, the OctoStat offers various configurations within its eight-channel framework, allowing for flexible experimentation setups. This adaptability makes it ideal for tailored research applications.

More about OctoStat

IviCycle: Designed for high-channel count systems, this stackable solution is available in various power configurations. Available as either DC-only or with EIS capability (or a combination of both), the IviCycle offers the researcher the best of both worlds with control and analysis from one intuitive software package.

More about IviCycle

Comparing Ivium-n-Stat, OctoStat, and IviCycle

Feature Ivium-n-Stat OctoStat IviCycle
Number of Channels Up to 16 per frame (stackable to 64) 8 per instrument (stackable to 128) Up to 32 (stackable up to 256)
Customizable Configuration Yes 3 current versions available Different models available
Application Suitability High-throughput & Varied Research Comparative Studies Battery testing
Frequency Response Analyser High-performance, built-in Dedicated for each channel Optional FRA/EIS: 10µHz-20kHz
Current Measurement Range Down to 100pA full-scale Down to 100pA full-scale with fA resolution ±30mA to ±3A per channel
Safety Features Operator-defined max current/potential Operator-defined with DataSecure module Operator-defined max current/potential
Automation & Expandability Multiple I/O ports, expandable modules Onboard data storage, multiple PC control Multiple PC connections
Hardware Specifications 100pA to 10A/1mV to 10V range 100pA to 100mA/10A range ±30mA/±10V to ±3A/±5V
Real-Time Data Display Up to 3,000 points/s Up to 3,000 points/s 500 samples/s
Max. Acquisition 300,000 points/s 300,000 points/s 100,000 samples/s
Applicable Scan Rates 1µV/s to 10,000V/s 1µV/s to 10,000V/s 1µV/s to 10,000V/s
Software Features Individual or all channels control Individual or all channels control Control separate/all channels
Channel Configurations Single and dual-channel modules Standardized channels Modules of 4 and 8 channels available (depending on version)
Electrode Connections 4 (WE, CE, RE, S) + GND 4 (WE, CE, RE, S) + GND 4 (WE, CE, RE, S) + GND
FRA/EIS Range 10µHz to 250kHz (1MHz optional) 10µHz to 100kHz (1MHz optional) 10µHz-20kHz
Precision 18bit, min. 7nV (potential), 3fA (current) 18bit, min. 7nV (potential), 3fA (current) Min. 0.3pA (current), 7nV (potential) Only for C030
Peripheral Connections 16bit analog I/O channel 16bit analog I/O channel ±10V input only, 16bit resolution, bandwidth 40kHz
Data Acquisition Time 3.33µs minimum 3.33µs minimum 10µs minimum
Stored Data Points No 20M each channel 20M each channel
Data Secure Optional for 20M data points each channel Integrated DataSecure module Integrated DataSecure module


Pricing and Contact Information

For detailed pricing information on Ivium’s multichannel potentiostats and to discuss which model best fits your research requirements, please contact us. Our team is ready to provide expert advice and support tailored to your specific needs. You can email us at or request a quote.

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  • Ivium Technologies B.V.
  • De Zaale 11
  • 5612 AJ Eindhoven
  • The Netherlands

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  • Ivium Technologies B.V.
  • De Lismortel 31
  • 5612 AR Eindhoven
  • The Netherlands


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